Yueliang 月亮 Has Awoken

The mystic beauty known as Yueliang has entered into the modern world to bestow riches upon those deemed worthy. Her parasol — formed of the night sky —glows bright among a vista of confusion and fear, ready to shine upon those who worship her grace. At the same time, her book of songs is ready to claim those who do not value the honesty of the world.
Emerging once more from the Ether, the princess has materialized into a plane that is chaotic and frenetic – full of greed and falsehoods. Yet she stands tall as an arbiter of balance, ready to rid the world of false idols who deceive the masses.
On this day she is formed as the Concubine, a beauty lathered in silk and finery, who will take from the undeserving rich and redistribute their wealth to those she feels deserving. To even look upon her is to feel riches weigh heavy on shallow pockets. Those who have supported noble causes such as hers shall be rewarded, and those who seek to gain from the misfortune of others shall be rendered penniless.
For the princess born from the mouth of a dragon and kissed by the moon is always watching, and seeking those who will follow her into the dawn of a new era.